Strona główna English versionOur company

Our company

Our company was founded in 2003. The strategy of development has been focused on the production of biofuels. The production line for higher fatty acid methyl esters was opened in 2005. Nowadays the company is one of the major producers of biocomponents and biofuels in Poland. The company owns a rail siding and a laboratory, equipped with a state of the art apparatus to analyze the product.

Due to the qualified and experienced employees we consistently implement the policy of constant development by means of introducing modern technological solutions, extending the storage base and building of an oil mill. The company had merged in 2010 with another company and as a result has acquired experience in purchasing and processing of rapeseed.

Company Details

Euroservice Zakłady Przemysłu Tłuszczowego w Surochowie Sp. z o.o

Address: Surochów 160A
              37-500 Jarosław

NIP: 7922047597
REGON: 651535211
KRS: Sąd Rejonowy w Rzeszowie XII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS 000 164 160

Share capital:
12 050 000,00 PLN

Representation of the company

Grażyna Podhajski


Euroservice ZPT w Surochowie Sp. z o.o.
Adres siedziby: Surochów 160A, 37-500 Jarosław

  • tel. +48 16 621 83 46,
  • fax +48 16 621 83 59
  • e-mail: