
The company received The Certificate of Financially Reliable Company
Data dodania: 13.03.2012

Euroservice Zakłady Przemysłu Tłuszczowego w Surochowie sp. z o.o. received The Certificate of Financially Reliable Company which states that the company is a trusted business partner, covers its financial commitments as well as to its business partners and banking systems.
The certificate is one of the kind in the market, given based on the verification in several data bases: BIG Register of Debtors, Credit Bureau data base and Polish Bank Association register.
Financially Reliable Company program was launched by Economic Information Bureau InfoMonitor in order to promote liability and trustworthiness in business. 


Euroservice ZPT w Surochowie Sp. z o.o.
Adres siedziby: Surochów 160A, 37-500 Jarosław

  • tel. +48 16 621 83 46,
  • fax +48 16 621 83 59
  • e-mail: